Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Random Thoughts, News Inspired

1) The Justice Department is commencing an investigation into its own role in the wiretapping imbroglio. I am very excited about this. I can't wait for Gonzales to announce, perhaps while choking back a tear, that he has no choice but to press charges against his predecessor, John Ashcroft.

Ha. I slay me.

2) Yahoo is such a rich vein of material. Here's this headline and first paragraph:
Cheney Says He Has Power to Declassify Info

Vice President Dick Cheney disclosed Wednesday that he has the power to declassify sensitive government information, authority that could set up a criminal defense for his former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Oh, that's a relief. Now I trust "Quick Draw" completely!

3) From The BBC:

New research is saying that Alzheimer's progresses more rapidly the more education you have.

So I should stop now while I'm ahead, I guess.

4) From Yahoo again:

A newfound type of rotating star played peek-a-boo with astronomers, appearing and disappearing a few times each day.

Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight . . . wait, damn, where'd you go?

What happens if you have only recited a part of your wish? That could be disastrous (get it? disastrous? "bad star?" Oops. So much for escaping Alzheimers).

5) From Yahoo: Tom and Katie deny breakup rumors.

Oh, that's a relief. Now I trust "Couch Jumper" completely!


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