Saturday, March 04, 2006

Random Thoughts, Pertaining to the Insanity Known As People

I think it is no coincidence that when you write online journals too frequently, you begin to associate the word "blogging" with the aftermath of excessive pub crawling. Random writing, like random incidents (and by incidents, I mean both people and events). Hence the format of this blog.

So, here are two sets of random thoughts of mine, pertaining to news stories that reveal that insanity is in fact the normal state of being for people. No, I'm not going to get into philosophical debates over the nature of sanity versus sanity. I'm just going to talk about penguins and sharks.

1. I Salute You, Citizens of Missouri

Browsing Yahoo!'s news section, I was heartened by this bit of news from Missouri. Vigilance, the eternal price of liberty, is alive and kicking in the nation's heartland. Well done, Missouri, you have lived up to your nickname and truly shown me something today.

Here's the story:
SAVANNAH, Mo. - A children's book about two male penguins that raise a baby penguin has been moved to the nonfiction section of two public library branches after parents complained it had homosexual undertones.

The illustrated book, "And Tango Makes Three," is based on a true story of two male penguins, named Roy and Silo, who adopted an abandoned egg at New York City's Central Park Zoo in the late 1990s.

The book, written by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson, was moved from the children's section at two Rolling Hills' Consolidated Library's branches in Savannah and St. Joseph in northwest Missouri.

Two parents had expressed concerns about the book last month.

Barbara Read, the Rolling Hills' director, said experts report that adoptions aren't unusual in the penguin world. However, moving the book to the nonfiction section would decrease the chance that it would "blindside" readers, she said.

Back to me. I'm proud to live in a country where people still have the courage to stand up to the penguin-adoption lobbyists. This scourge of a special interest group that would have us believe that adoption is not a stigma is trying to get past our defenses by sneaking in their message in fancy-dress disguises.

Wait, what's that? You say that they were actually reacting to homosexual undertones? They think that if their children read this book, it will make them gay?

You're kidding. No. That's just crazy. Are you sure? Well, damn.

Okay, I guess that people in Missouri are just plain nuts.

2. Why Mike Myers Is To Blame For Everything.

Stealth Sharks! Yeah!

I know all about the cruelty to animals, the paranoid, quasi-evil use of science, the sheer ridiculous Frankensteinism of the whole project, but still, Stealth Sharks! That's freaking cool! When are they getting the lasers?

Now we know where the Pentagon gets its brainstorms: Austin Powers. We can blame Donald Rumsfeld on Mike Myers, a Canadian! Everything is better when you can shift blame onto those smug northern bastards with the maple syrup, their beavers, and their curling (watch out, Toronto, we got a bronze in curling in Torino! We're on your tail).


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