Monday, August 04, 2008

Sunday Ironies

Irony of the Day, Part I

I saw a bumper sticker today that read "" Granted, that is an ad for some sort of bumper scratch protection nonsense, but still, on the surface, how ironic is it for a bumper sticker touting 'clear bumpers'?

Irony of the Day, Part II

Now that Barack Obama is touting a compromise with Republicans on off-shore drilling, Republicans are not so much hailing his willingness to compromise as attacking his political inconstancy. You know, since John McCain already switched his stance on off-shore drilling way back in June.

The value of off-shore drilling is not the question today, even though what people don't discuss is that any benefits to the country would not appear for years and years. The only benefits now would be to oil companies. Surprise, surprise.

I don't support Obama's decision to support off-shore drilling. Off-shore drilling in this context, at this time, is not right. It is not the right decision for the environment or in the context of finding resources. And his justification for the compromise, using it to help set goals to reduce oil consumption within 20 years, is unbalanced. Goals can be defered; allowing oil drilling is tangible and immediate.

The irony is that when Obama speaks up in agreement with Republicans, they attack him for it. This is the problem with our political discourse today.

To be fair to oil-mongering Republicans, though, Dick Cheney has a certain integrity: he looks mean, and he is mean.


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