Hidden Gems Of Life
I want to spend my life noticing things. I noticed the first blooming buds on skeletal trees, hopefully not too early.
The new phone comes with a built-in pedometer, a built-in reason to sustain my iPhanaticism. I've taken 9710 steps so far today. I'm aiming for a minimum of 10,000 a day, to shed some extra pounds along with extra stress. Walking in the canyon always makes me feel lighter, with a warm feeling in my stomach, kind of like the relaxing sensation after a nice, slow, comfortable release of waste, to put it delicately, releasing poisons both emotional and physical.
Today I got about as far as I could go in Dimond Canyon, as far as I could tell; it appeared there was another trail on the opposite canyon wall, although access is unclear. Next walking project: a circumnavigation of Lake Merritt (side note to job applicants: if you attended Merritt College, don't spell it Merit College on your resume; it earns you demerits in the consideration of those reviewing your information).
Miss P has not been in perfect health the last few days; whether teething or working through a virus, she has had various digestive complaints of late, but no fever and generally happy. I'm taking her to a pre-scheduled 18 month check up today, the first time when I will be taking her on my own, without Marina there. I realize that I tend to rely on Marina to be the grown-up, although I do my best to be mature. Maybe grown-up is the wrong word; maybe I mean practical. Anyway, I'm doing my best to grow up along with my daughter. That effort provides gems of its own. She's my sweet little child.
My weight has gone back up, reaching as far as 209, but down to 206 today after my walk. That's success. I have to keep the focus on healthy choices and making progress. That's another gem, making the choice of going for a long walk on a day off, instead of sedentary hedonism.