Monday, March 19, 2012

Wedding Conversations, Part Two

Wedding Etiquette Conversation # 3
Marina: Did you know there's something called a groom's cake?
Me: Does it sit in front of me at the table?
Marina: No.
Me: Do other people get to eat it?
Marina: Yes.
Me: Oh. That isn't as entertaining, then.

Conversation continued at SF restaurant Tres, fueled by a pitcher of margaritas, with Vaughn and Emily.*

Me: So the groom's cake is just another cake?
Marina: Yes.
Vaughn: Is that because the wedding cake is basically the bride's cake?
Marina and Emily: Yes!
Me: So it isn't The Cake. It's This Cake Over Here.
Vaughn: Like how it isn't "Do you take The Groom;" it's "Do you take "This Man Here."**

*Some lines of dialogue changed/edited/just made up for the sake of narrative efficiency and punch.

** With apologies to Jerry Seinfeld.


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