Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Writing Goals

Steps in my plan for world domination, or at least a chance to blossom into a paid writer:

1) Study graphic/Internet/photoshop design.  Maybe a Cyber-Writing For Dummies book?  Marketing is more than the written word, and many job postings I see could be interesting if I had the technical know-how.  Always learn!

2) Study technical writing.  Maybe find a course at a local college?  Technical writing is a good path, I think.  There's always room, if you can learn the subject matter.  See Step 1 as a chance to practice learning technical material!

3) Refresh my memory/memorize Strunk & White/memorize various styles.  This means no more Star Wars novels.  Well, at least not as many. 

These are practical steps I can take.  I've always been a dreamer.  I need to get a bit more practical.  How much do I want this to happen?


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